Nerds On Site - Amber Smith

About Nerds On Site - Amber Smith

[email protected]
(587) 257-7509

Day by day Nerds On Site works to make itself a more enjoyable and effective partner of choice for traditional and emerging technology for You!

We're in constant and passionate pursuit of more productive, pleasurable and profitable ways to fully leverage computers and all that's tied to 'em! We will become your PowerBrand of Choice...and have fun doing it!

As an independent contractor, Amber is the newest member of the Lethbridge team. Living in Stirling, and with clients from Cardston to Lethbridge, she is ready to proactively enhance your technology experience - so you can focus on running your business.

Technology giving you the blues? Amber is ready to help! Our pricing is solution-based, meaning you'll know the cost BEFORE you agree to the service and pay AFTER the complete service has been provided and the problem resolved. Contact her today for a free quote.

Services include:
-Network Design, Installation and Support
-Network Security
-Website, Email and Domain Hosting
-Website Design
-Hardware Purchase and Lease Programs
-Data Backup and Security
-Remote Access Solutions